This article contains data about impotence and how you may be able to improve this problem.
Very often this embarrassing problem can be eased using natural methods and avoiding drugs and their side-effects.
Frustration and impotence
Failure to achieve an erection that is firm enough, or sustained for long enough, to allow normal sexual intercourse is generally known as impotence. Its cause may be physical, psychological, or a combination of both.
Physical impotence may be due to an imperfect blood supply to the penis, an age-related loss of male sex hormones, diabetes or high blood sugar levels, medical drugs, or various neurological conditions.
Psychological factors such as lack of desire, depression, or fear of failure may be responsible for impotence, and alcohol, while enhancing sexual desire, can actually impede performance.
Other organic/physical factors which may cause impotence include: antidepressants, narcotics, diuretics, sedatives and nicotine.
Some Natural Methods
There are various theories about the cause of impotence. They can mainly be categorised into 2 parts:
- Physical problems
(nerve issues, lack of blood flow, muscle control) - Mental aspects – MORE ON PAGE 2
(stress, anxiety, frustration, lack of confidence)
More information about the mental aspects of impotence are given on page 2 and these should be read over as they can be very helpful.
Here is some information about certain herbal combinations which have been very beneficial to many.
Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo Biloba is a herb that is well known to help with circulation. Perhaps its most widely known use is its ability to improve mental functions and memory. Studies have shown that it can improve blood flow through the brain. Interestingly, it may also increase the flow of blood to the penis. If impotence difficulties are based on reduced blood flow, then Ginkgo could assist.
There have been several studies into the use of Gingko to treat impotence. In one study it was found 78 percent of men with atherosclerosis*, reported significant improvements without side effects. In another six month study half the men being treated regained their erections. Give it time to work, possibly use over a several month period, taking daily dosages.
*atherosclerosis: is a disease of the arteries where the internal walls get thickened in an unsafe manner, usually by fatty deposits.
Aniseed (Pimpinella anisum) has a reputation for increasing male libido. Aniseed, also known as Anise, contains several estrogenic compounds (female hormones, U.S. spelling of oestrogenic).
Many plants contain compounds that behave like oestrogen in the body and although oestrogen is a female hormone, oddly enough people who have used oestrogenic herbs, report androgenic (males’ sex hormone) effects as well. If using, start with small amounts and see what effect it has.
Cardamom is an aromatic spice, held in high esteem by the Arab culture as an aphrodisiac. Arab coffee house often flavours coffee with this spice, in India it is an essential ingredient of curries and pilaus. The reason for its reputation as an aphrodisiac is its high content of cineole. Cineole is a central nervous stimulant. People often equate any stimulation as a sexual stimulation. Cardamom is used by many eastern cultures and many find it beneficial in dealing with impotence.
Ginger is a relative of Cardamon, and well known for its warming, aromatic properties. In an article titled “Studies on Herbal Aphrodisiacs Used in the Arab System”, published in the American Journal of Chinese Medicine, some Saudi scientists asserted that ginger extracts significantly increase sperm motility and quantity. (Motility means capable of moving spontaneously and independently).
Ginseng is well known as a sexual stimulant. The Chinese have long held this herb in high esteem, it is supposedly the herbal fountain of youth. It is both a stimulant and relaxant on the central nervous system and improves muscle stamina! A herb full of vitality and often used by men who have a loss of sex drive. There are cautions to take when using Ginseng. Do not take consistently and not for more than three weeks at time. Do not take during pregnancy and avoid with high blood pressure.
Saw Palmetto
Native American Indians considered the ripe fruits of the saw palmetto a tonic and an aphrodisiac. The berries do, in fact, have a toning effect on the male reproductive system and have been employed for impotence and prostrate problems. It can be used to treat prostate enlargement and cystitis.
Fenugreek is another herb that has acquired a reputation as an aphrodisiac. Chemical analysis has revealed the presence of diosgenen, a substance that acts in a similar way to the body’s own sex hormones. Fenugreek has long been recommended by Chinese herbalists for impotence.
Pumpkin seeds are a male sexual tonic and sesame seeds have a beneficial effect in maintaining and enhancing sexual vigour.
There can be psychological as well as physical factors regarding impotence. Sometimes this can be quickly resolved. At other times it can become a more chronic condition, especially if it isn’t “fixed” quite quickly.
Here is more info that can hopefully help:
Can stress and anxiety affect performance?
A problem can occur when anxiety and stress sometimes lead to sexual disinterest and then impotence.
This isn’t always apparent straightaway and it can creep up on someone over time.
Studies have clearly shown that some mens’ sexual desire and erectile matters can be affected if there are too many life stresses occurring.
At times this can simply be realised by the person and he can correct those things that are causing stress, especially emotional stress. By improving the various stressful situations in his life, a man can quickly overcome his lack of sexual desire or capability.
It is almost like the body is giving off its own warning mechanism and telling the person that there are situations or things that need to be handled.
Increased stress can also reduce the amount of good quality sleep that a person gets. This further reduces the energy available and this lack of energy as well as all one’s mental attention being on the problems causing stress, can rapidly cause a loss of libido and contribute to impotence.
Sometimes the cause of stress can be hidden because you end up further stressing over the lack of sexual desire and activity. All your attention goes onto this instead of the root cause.
How to get your blood pumping
At a physical level an erection occurs when additional blood enters the many blood vessels in the penis and hence an increase in size occurs.
The usual sequence of activities that occurs is that the man gets sexually aroused somehow and the brain sends signals to the hormonal glands via nerve channels. These glands release natural chemicals which further encourage blood flow in the area and this causes further stimulation.
This information is relayed back and the process continues.
So as you can see, there are a number of possible ways this can breakdown.
Bad neural pathways and nerve channels may not allow these signals to pass freely. There could be poor blood circulation in general in the genital area. There could be excess fatty tissues in the body or are which can make the body act in a sluggish manner.
Whilst athletes and people with apparent fit and healthy bodies can experience impotence, it is usually more common in an inactive and unhealthy body. So diet and exercise can certainly play a part.
As well as the possibility of increasing blood flow internally by improving diet and possibly taking certain supplements, it may be possible to improve the blood flow using external procedures. Also don’t forget that too much alcohol or smoking can also cause sexual performance problems.
These can include gentle massage to the general area, particularly to the scrotum, buttocks, groin and thighs as well as lower back. This can help improve the blood flow to the genital area over time.
Another possible thing to try is using warm water and then cool water over any affected area that you wish to improve the blood circulation to.
BUT you have to be careful and sure that you do not use water that is too hot or cold. You will find more information about this on the internet and on our circulation article pages.
SO by improving blood flow, by external and internal means, reducing stress in your life, getting some exercise, improving your diet and getting enough rest, you can soon overcome the majority of impotence problems.