Herbs and their many benefits have caught our minds for several centuries. But, they do not work by themselves. They stimulate the body to gather more food in the mouth, thus improving digestion.
Herbal remedies have a therapeutic affect on those people who are looking forward to coping with unwanted weight loss, thyroid issues, eating disorders, depression, digestive disorders or cancer. If you have lost over 5 kgs of weight without intending to, get yourselves an appointment with the doctor immediately. This is because weight loss that is unintended may be one of the first signs of some underlying problem that needs immediate medical attention. Once you have established the cause for your weight loss, speak to your doctor about consuming the following weight gain herbs:
This herb has been a part of the medical world for its ability to treat dyspepsia, loss of appetite or any other type of disorder that is related to the assimilation of food or some problem in the gastrointestinal tract. It contains gentiopicroside and amarogentin, bitter glycosides, which stimulate weight gain. Specific benefits of using gentian include increased gastric secretion, better secretion of enzymes of the small intestines, increased bile flow and better appetite.
This herb is a gentle appetite stimulant. The National Institute of Health in the USA has recognised the traditional use of chamomile as digestive as well as anxiety reliever. The institute also suggests that the herb is helpful in improving quality of life of cancer patients. In particular, this herb is recommended for people suffering from unnatural weight loss due to stress or anxiety.
Ginger is a super herb that contains essential oils and pungent chemicals known as gingerols and shogaols. These are known to be digestion stimulants in the traditional medicinal practices of India, China and the South-east. Some diseases for which it is used for treatment include indigestion, dyspepsia, lack of appetite or poor appetite, flatulence and nausea. It is also considered to be a stimulant of the circulatory system and used for treating stomach cramps that are caused by cold.
It is one of the best herbal tonics for the body. It is a wonderful health tonic useful for people of all ages. As one of the rare herbal tonics in Ayurveda, it not only improves metabolism for better health but also provides nutrition. The harmonious synergy that this herb brings back in the body can give strength back to a fragile body.
Even though herbs can improve digestion and lead to better metabolism, you need to eat healthy foods and exercise regularly to achieve the desired results.