Author: Dr. Hashmi

Bring Heat to Your Boring Sex Life and Live a Happy Life The desire for career and making more money has made couples so busy in work these days that they do not have time even for their personal life. Most of the couples working in call centers and multinational companies are able to meet only on weekends. In such a situation, their sex life is bound to be affected. Read the effect of long working hours on intercourse and ways to remove them The practice of increasing working hours in the private sector is having a negative impact not…

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Surprising Result for Health Benefits of Masturbation According to sexologists and sex experts, masturbation is very safe and healthful for you. It is needed most for your mental and physical health. Feel stress free When orgasm comes, endorphins increase rapidly in the body. These are a kind of neuro transmitters, which give us happiness by awakening positive emotions in us. It is not necessary that you get an orgasm every time you masturbate, but even more important is the pleasure of the act, which releases your stress. Prevents depression Stress and frustration often lead to depression, but when you want…

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Sex tricks to fulfill happiness in your sexual desire Not feeling well / Not in mood Due to the hectic lifestyle, nowadays husband and wife do not have time for each other, which affects their sexual life and the result is that most of the women either turn their backs after reaching the bedroom, or they get sleepy or they make excuses for not feeling well? Such behavior of wives hurts husbands. Sex tricks Don’t make excuses like ‘not in the mood’ or ‘not feeling well’ as a daily rule. Such things spoil the romantic mood of the husband. Do…

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Ten things men nevermore know in regard of women I like to drink coffee instead of having ice cream. Why do you always have to speak? Can you nevermore understand without speaking…You will not understand…Many times men get to hear such things from women? Is it indeed that difficult to deem women? Let’s try to grope the woman’s mind. While on the one hand the woman’s mind is very simple, it is also very complex. Men and women are very different not only physically but also mentally. Sometimes what a woman says doesn’t mean what she wants to say. So…

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Top Fantasy Scenes on Sex – Know What the Reality is? Myths related to sex are no less than a puzzle. Some tell them the truth and some tell lies. So what is truth and what is myth? Myth: Eating sex food creates mood for sex Truth: Such things are limited to books only. Do not apply in real life. Yes, it can be said that daily or regular consumption of sex food like pomegranate, strawberry, watermelon, carrot, raisin, garlic etc. makes sex life healthy, but soon after consumption of sex food, sex mood is created. It’s just an illusion.…

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Know the ten reasons that are keeping you away from orgasm? Despite having so much exposure to sex and romance, there are still many women who are denied orgasm. There are many reasons for not having an orgasm, but in most cases it has been seen that women themselves do not make any special effort for it. Orgasm is a feeling which not only makes women feel spiritual happiness but also makes them feel complete. If you want to make your married life more romantic then orgasm is very important. Then what is it that is depriving you of this…

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Five Mistakes Women Make In Bed Every woman wants her married life to be full of adventure, but husband should work hard for it, he does not have to work hard on his behalf. In this affair, their sex life is also affected and their own feelings are also not fulfilled. Know it what are the mistakes that women make during sex and due to which their sex life can be badly affected. If you also do these mistakes then rectify them today. Husband should take the initiative Often women do not take the initiative thinking that this is the…

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Best Benefits of sex to improve our health and happy life Best Exercise Did you know that sex is a form of physical exercise? Having sex burns so many calories, which improves cholesterol levels and increases blood flow. Having sex for 30 minutes burn 85 calories. Having sex regularly three times a week consumes the same number of calories as walking for a week. If sex is done regularly throughout the year, so it will be equivalent to jogging 75 miles. Improved Immune System Sex also acts as a therapy for our immune system. It strengthens the immune machine and…

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Best Sex Formula for Newly Married Life Every newly married couple is very excited about their romantic love life and sex life. Both think that how to make sex life better, what to do so that the partner is drenched with your love and romance all the time. Here we are telling you some such latest sex formula, which will always keep the thrill in your sex life. Don’t make honeymoon a nightmare  First of all remove it from your mind that you have to have sex in honeymoon, because most of the couples are so tired in the…

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How Men Can Make Their Sex Life Better? Even today in our country the same traditional thinking about sex is going on that men have the responsibility to improve sex life. Generally women do not take the initiative, because they feel that this is the work of men and somewhere there is a fear in the mind that the husband may not point fingers at her character if she takes the initiative. For all these reasons, it is the responsibility of men to improve their sex life. Let’s find out how with these tips you can improve your sex life.…

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