Author: Dr. Hashmi

This is highly related to conjugal life. It’s a common problem for the beginners. Sometimes it solved naturally within a short time. But in some cases it’s a problem for long time. So, we should have knowledge about premature ejaculation & its treatment.  What is ejaculation? Ejaculation is the release of semen from the penis following sexual climax. When a man is sexually stimulated, the brain sends signals to the genital area through nerves in the spinal cord to contract the pelvic muscles. At the start of this process, waves of muscle contractions transport the sperm, with a small amount…

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Many men wish they could last a little bit longer during sex. If you find yourself unable to control the timing of your ejaculation, and cannot delay it a few moments even if you want to and try, then you may meet the criteria of what we consider “premature ejaculation” (PE). Well, you about 1/3 of men ages 18 to 59! Like I said, many men wish they could delay their ejaculation – and for good reason! (1) Sex feels good, so why not help it last longer? and (2) Many women take longer to orgasm than men do. For…

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When we have the pleasure of finding ourselves in bed with a new girlfriend the last thing we want to happen is that we blow it. we want to perform and make sure that our lady also has a pleasurable experience. So when we can’t deliver it is extra frustrating. Not only because we feel less like men, but also because we don’t fully understand why. Luckily i have found out something very interesting, which fully explains why. Not only can you explain it to your girlfriend but it will take away a lot of the frustration and feeling of…

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Premature ejaculation (PE)—coming too soon—is men’s number one sexual complaint. From the teen years until age 60, it affects around one third of American men. After 60, erectile dysfunction becomes more prevalent, but even among older men, a University of Chicago study suggests that 20 to 25 percent continue to have trouble with ejaculatory control. What can be done about PE? There no question that professional sex therapy helps. According to the best studies I’ve seen, sex therapy resolves the problem in more than 80 percent of cases, with some therapists claiming cure rates of 90 percent or better. But…

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If your lovemaking sessions are becoming impossible due to an inability to last in bed, you may begin to think that you have something wrong with you. For those of us who hope to eliminate this frustrating difficulty, it can be rough finding reliable information. Even when it may look that you will never sort this out, with the right outlook plus a little practicing you are sure to be successful at stopping premature ejaculation. You can get started on this right now with these 3 effective tips to last longer in bed based on the techniques from described…

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Millions of men suffer from EjD or ejaculatory dysfunction.  The most common variety is premature ejaculation followed by retarded ejaculation or not being able to achieve an orgasm.  Another less common EjD is retrograde ejaculation or seminal fluid going back into the bladder instead of exiting the penis at the time of orgasm.  This article will discuss the three common EjD conditions and what can be done to resolve them. It is estimated that one-third of American men suffer from premature ejaculation or ejaculation within seconds of vaginal penetration.  This is of great concern and embarrassment to those who experience…

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It’s quite disheartening when intercourse is over all too soon, making it hard not to start feeling depressed and ashamed at thisinability to control yourself. Figuring out where to go and who to rely on for straight answers can certainly be a real nightmare. But there are quite a few simple and reliable techniques to boost your control which you can start applying straight away. You can start beating this right now with the following safe and natural tips to boost bedroom stamina based on the Ultimate Lasting guides which can find more about here. Have an understanding…

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Premature Ejaculation – What Is It And How To Treat It Are You Struggling To Last In Bed? During no point in time have we ever expected so much from sex, as people do in the present day. Because of this, we’ve witnessed additional recognition regarding premature ejaculation, together with it’s influence on intimate relationships. Premature ejaculation is an intimate disorder which effects certain guys while making love and can be classified as a male erotic condition where there exists an occurrence of a male’s climax inside of 3 minutes of having sex or ahead of when an adequate amount…

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So you’re a little quick on the trigger.  It really doesn’t matter whether it’s always been that way, (Type I Premature Ejaculation), or it’s a recent development, (Type II Premature Ejaculation).  All that matters is that there’s frustration and discontent in the air.  And it’s in both your partner and you.  What are you going to do? If you’re like many men, (or women for that matter, since many seekers after a cure are people who are seeking help for their partner), you might go to Barnes and Noble, you might go to the Library, or Amazon… you might go to…

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For men who suffer from premature ejaculation, there is one great temptation: look for the easiest possible cure that requires the least amount of work, and pay whatever it takes to get it.  After all, it’s kind of the American Way, isn’t it?  Aren’t we experts at making things as easy as possible, no matter how much it costs? There’s a name for that trap when it comes to men with PE, and that name is…penis pills.  Or, to be more politically correct, “herbal erection enhancers”.  The Internet is full of offers from the manufacturers of these modern-day wonder pills,…

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