Author: Dr. Hashmi
Erectile dysfunction (ED), sometimes referred to as impotence, is the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection hard enough for sexual intercourse. Millions of men in the U.S. have erectile dysfunction. It may be caused by diseases, complications from surgery, side effects of certain medications, lifestyle factors, and psychological factors. Erectile dysfunction can be treated at any age. Treatment depends on your overall health and the underlying cause of the problem. If erectile dysfunction is a problem for you, talk to your doctor. Significant strides have been made in the last decade for treating erectile dysfunction. There…
Erectile dysfunction can have many causes, but medications including Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra are often the recommended treatment. Whether a man is dealing with a health condition that’s affecting his ability to have an erection or with stress, anxiety, or relationship problems that can cause erectile dysfunction (ED), prescription ED drugs are one of the most popular methods of treatment. Viagra, the First Erectile Dysfunction Drug Viagra (sildenafil), “the little blue pill,” was the first erectile dysfunction medication approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1998. Sildenafil is a phosphodiesterase, or PDE, inhibitor, which means that it boosts the…
When you have a low sex drive, therapy may be part of the solution. A sex therapist can help whether your sex drive is due to a medical condition, arousal problems, or relationship issues. Low libido is one of the most difficult sexual problems to treat, so curing it may not be as simple as taking a pill or using a prescription gel or cream. Although medical treatments can help when there’s an underlying physical cause for low sex drive, many doctors also recommend going to a sex therapist to work on regaining that spark. Here’s how to set realistic…
Has your desire disappeared? Once you get down to the root of your wrecked sex drive, you can take action to get it back again. From a lack of sleep to having too much to drink, low libido is caused by a number of physiological, emotional, and lifestyle factors. Here are 12 common issues that can ruin the mood. 1. Stress. The body reacts to stress by releasing adrenaline and cortisol. Chronic stress, in particular, can interfere with your body’s hormone levels, and result in a low libido. The arteries can also narrow and restrict blood flow in response to…
The tips here are not so much about getting more, but getting better. Frequency is not the only measure of libido. Feelings count, too. If you look forward to sex, and feel good about it before, during and after, that is the true measure of whether your libido is healthy. Here’s how to help combat loss of libido. 1. Get physical and boost libido Take up sport, or go for brisk walks, with or without your partner. If you already walk or run or work out, try challenging yourself just a little bit further, so you feel a sense of…
About 1 in 5 men suffer from a loss of libido (sex drive) at some point in their life. And because sex drive is seen as a cornerstone of masculinity, men are often devastated when their desire suddenly wanes. It is often assumed that libido decreases naturally with age, but that’s not always the case. “There is no doubt that there are a significant number of men who, as they get older, lose some of their sex drive, but it’s not an inevitable part of ageing,” says Dr Zaki a consultant urologist at BMI Priory Hospital in Birmingham. “A significant…
Do you feel like your sex drive just isn’t what it used to be? You aren’t alone — many people feel that way at some point in their lives. In some cases, a decrease in libido may be due to a medical issue. For many people, however, the situation may be remedied without resorting to medication. Check out the top 10 natural libido boosters, from Dr. Catherine Hood. You just may find one that puts the spark back into your love life. One alcoholic drink can lubricate a nervous first-date situation. By reducing anxiety and stress one drink can help…
Sexuality and sensuality are as fundamental to our health as good nutrition and exercise. So I make it a point to ask all my patients, whether they’re single or in a relationship, 20 years old or 60, about their libido. More often than not, patients say theirs is low, sometimes asking jokingly, “What libido?” And they’re in good company; in a landmark study of more than 1,000 American women, more than a third reported a lack of interest in sex. Most women who have low libido wonder whether there’s a hormonal problem — and hopefully a hormonal cure. But libido…
Anxiety is an overwhelming form of daily stress. Many find that living with anxiety daily causes them to experience significant sadness and discomfort in their daily life, often leading to less enjoyment of the things that previously caused them happiness. That’s why when you have anxiety, it’s not uncommon to also have a low libido. Your sex drive is directly affected by the way you feel, and anxiety is the type of condition that can make it hard to find your partner or the idea of lovemaking to be arousing. What Causes Low Libido? Low libido is a complex issue,…
According to the Wall Street Journal, one out of every five men over 40 in the U. S. have tried Viagra, with an average of nine pills dispensed every second. Unfortunately, nearly half suffer at least one side effect while using it, including headache, stuffy nose, flushed face, visual disturbances, and upset stomach. CBS News adds that the price has doubled since the product launched in 1999, with 100 pills now running about $1,500. Meanwhile, though the drug may help improve erectile dysfunction, it does nothing for sexual desire or low libido. As for women who suffer from the sexual…