Author: Dr. Hashmi

For an oversexed culture that isn’t afraid to push boundaries on TV, in movies, on the radio, and in books and magazines, we’re awfully shy about sex when it comes to our health. In fact, even though people with diabetes are at a higher risk for sexual problems, a 2010 study in the journal Diabetes Care found that only about half of all men with diabetes and 19 percent of women with diabetes have broached the topic with a doctor. And, truth is, many doctors don’t feel comfortable prodding patients for details on sexual function. It’s why the newly diagnosed…

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Diabetes is a common cause of erectile dysfunction (ED). Erections depend on blood supply, and diabetes affects the blood vessels and blood supply to all organs — heart, brain, kidneys, and penis. In fact, a man with ED is at risk for heart disease. Clinical experience and numerous studies suggest that at least half of all male diabetes patients will experience difficulties with erections. Men with diabetes are up to three times more likely to have ED and appear to get it earlier in life. The significance of ED increases with the severity and duration of diabetes, along with age.…

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Erectile dysfunction, formerly called impotence, is the inability to obtain an adequate erection for satisfactory sexual activity. Research suggests that 50% of men have ED. It’s more common in men over age 50, but it can occur at any age. Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction: 1) L-Arginine L-arginine is an amino acid that increases nitric oxide levels in the body. Nitric oxide is a molecule that signals smooth muscle surrounding blood vessels (including those in the penis) to relax, which dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow – a necessity for maintaining erections. Found naturally in protein foods such as meat,…

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Men can judge themselves pretty harshly when it comes to their performance in between the sheets. The unsettling fear of not being able to rise to the occasion becomes a reccurring nightmare for men that is often equated with failure, loss of dignity, and masculinity. If you suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED), don’t be so hard on yourself, since impotence can almost always be improved with treatment, without having to rely on Viagra or other medications. Whether you suffer from ED, or hope to prevent the condition, here are six tips to overcome impotence without the side effects of the…

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Sexual impotence, also defined as erectile dysfunction (ED), is a common problem affecting most men at least once during their lifetime. Though sex is one of the basic needs in one’s life, the changing and stressful lifestyle has made it almost impossible to enjoy the pleasure of sex. The pressure of work has become so hectic and demanding that there is little time or interest for them to enjoy their sex life. To know more about the causes of sexual impotence along with its symptoms, read through the following lines. Causes Of Sexual Impotence Depression Alcohol abuse Diabetes Lower sexual…

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Erectile dysfunction (ED) is increasingly common, affecting 30 million Americans between ages of 30 and 70. Most cases—some 80% are due to circulatory problems, drug side effects, hormonal imbalance, prostate problems or injury. Smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and depression are also definite causes. Please find below our home remedies impotence. Additionally, a reduction in male hormones, rise in male infertility and a global decrease in sperm count is mainly due to the estrogen-like effects of pesticides and other environmental toxins. Thus infertility in couples is due to the male in 35% of cases. “Male menopause” is also a…

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Sexual impotence in men is a common problem whose frequency tends to increase with age. So before you start losing your sexual power, understand that being impotent doesn’t mean you have to suffer the problem forever. Home remedies come in handy to help men achieve greater sexual potency. “Some of these remedies may help, but they may prove ineffective for others. Experimenting with different home remedies yields beneficial results for less advanced cases,” cautions Dr. M.P. Mani, (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery). Here are some of the most common home remedies for treating male sexual impotence. Sexual Impotence treatment…

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Impotence. The word somehow sounds like failure, weakness. If you feel that you are impotent, you may also feel that you have somehow lost part of your dignity, your masculinity, your wholeness. But you shouldn’t feel that way — impotence, also known as erectile dysfunction (ED), can almost always improve with treatment. In this article, we’ll talk about the causes of impotence and some home remedies, including medical and non-medical solutions for the problem. There are many degrees of erectile difficulties. Some men are able to achieve an erection but are not able to maintain it. Others become erect, but…

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Studies accept apparent that one in ten men in the United States ache from arrect dysfunction. While that’s a ample amount of men in itself, what’s even added alarming is that of those men, about bisected never apprehend they’re adversity from it. It’s simple to see why a man ability try his hardest to avoid the signs in foreground of him-no one wants to accept to anyone, let abandoned himself, that he possibly has abstention afterwards all. Still, it’s important that all men admit the signs which may point against ED as the basal causes may crave actual medical attention.…

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“Impotence – that’s what it must be!” He had a gentle Irish brogue and had well and truly labelled himself as “sexually dysfunctional”. Philip had tried Viagra, but all it had done was produce a headache “like Nagasaki!” “The thing is,” he told me, “I need a natural remedy for impotence. Can you help me?” What did I do to help Philip with impotence? Well, you can read about some of the approaches in my article “Male Sexual Enhancement Techniques” – such as how to maximize your psychological attitude to sex, as well as some exercises you can do to…

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