Author: Dr. Hashmi
Diabetes is a common cause of erectile dysfunction (ED). Erections depend on blood supply, and diabetes affects the blood vessels and blood supply to all organs — heart, brain, kidneys, and penis. In fact, a man with ED is at risk for heart disease. Clinical experience and numerous studies suggest that at least half of all male diabetes patients will experience difficulties with erections. Men with diabetes are up to three times more likely to have ED and appear to get it earlier in life. The significance of ED increases with the severity and duration of diabetes, along with age.…
A sex therapist can be a psychiatrist, a marriage and family therapist, a psychologist, or a clinical social worker. We are specially trained in sex therapy methods beyond the minimal amount of training about sexuality that is required for each of those licenses. There are a few graduate schools in the U.S. that specialize in training for sex therapy. Some people assemble their training by rigorous self-study and by attendance at the major sexological organizations’ annual conferences. We have about a dozen scientific journals dedicated solely to sexual research. There are about six major organizations that hold conferences and trainings.…
A sex therapist helps people with sexual problems. Sex therapists are qualified counsellors, doctors or healthcare professionals who have done extra training in helping people with difficulties relating to sex. Why do people see sex therapists? Many people have a problem with sex at some point in their life. Some people deal with these problems themselves but, for others, sexual problems can cause a lot of distress and unhappiness. A sex therapist can help people with various sexual problems, including: In men: lack of desire difficulty getting or keeping an erection (erectile dysfunction) premature ejaculation or other ejaculation problems In…
Sexual Conditions Health Center Tools & Resources Does Arousal Change as We Age? ED 101 Your Birth Control Options What Women Wish You Knew Testosterone Too Low? How to Tell Facts About the HPV Vaccine Sex Therapy & Other Counseling Share this: In this article Psychotherapy Sex Therapy Listen Psychotherapy If sexual issues are preventing true closeness between you and your partner, you may want to consider some form of therapy. If the problem is a lack of knowledge about sex, your health care provider or a sex therapist can teach you (and your partner) about the sexual response cycle…
Impotence, the inability to achieve or maintain an erection, is a common condition suffered by up to two million men in Britain. It is linked to psychological factors including stress and depression or physiological factors such as diabetes, nerve damage due to excess alcohol or smoking. Reduced blood supply to the penis can also be a side effect of blood pressure or anti-depressant medication. According to research carried out by the Impotence Association, the condition has been found to be a factor in the break up of 21 per cent of relationships and affects one in 10 British men. Stress…
Categories Premature Ejaculation Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Premature Ejaculation Also under : Sexual Disorders 76 68 183 Subscribe to me on YouTube Premature Ejaculation: • Over 30% men have suffered from premature ejaculation at some point • This affects the self esteem of the man and leaves the partner dissatisfied Symptoms to look for: • A rapid arousal, erection and ejaculation process • The ejaculation generally occurs within seconds or minutes of arousal Causes: • Anxiety • Incorrect diet • Unhealthy lifestyle Natural home remedy using asparagus powder and milk: 1. Take 2…
Erectile Dysfunction: • Erectile dysfunction is also known as impotence • It’s usually temporary and doesn’t require medical intervention • If the condition is permanent, it can affect a man’s self esteem and sexual relationship Symptoms to look for: • Difficulty in maintaining an erection for satisfactory sexual activity Causes: • Old age • Injury • Stress • Addiction to nicotine • Consuming alcohol • Drug abuse • Can be a side effect of medical conditions like: o Diabetes o High cholesterol o Depression o Heart diseases o Other psychiatric diseases Natural home remedy using carrots,…
Mix 1 part walnuts and 1 part honey. Take the mix 3 times a day 30 minutes after meals. You have to drink milk right after. The treatment is for 1 month. Mix 2 table spoons of ground carrots with 1 glass of milk, heat it on low heat for 10 minutes. Take 100 ml of the extract 3 times a day for 1 week. Mix 1 part of fresh raw carrot juice with 1 part of honey. Take 1/4 glass of the mix 3 times a day. Take 1 glass of walnuts, 1 glass of dried apricots,1 glass of…
Chewing a few cloves of raw garlic daily as a natural aphrodisiac. While this may not be the most stimulating scent to a partner, garlic does renew sexual vitality in men. Black raisins boiled in milk and then rinsed can be consumed, as can the milk they were boiled in, to help restore vitality. White onions are very effective in increasing a male’s libido. A combination of dried dates, quince seeds, pistachios and almonds can be grounded and mixed as a daily food to help increase the male sex drive. Ladyfingers ground with mishri and consumed in milk is among…
Include zinc in your diet (Bananas are affluent in zinc. This helps addition them addition the assembly of testosterone in your body. ) Include essential fats in your diet. Mix Triphala powder in water. Keep it away for half an hour. Add a table ladle of pure honey. Have this in early morning daily. Add a tea spoon of honey in a glass of milk and drink. It increases confrontation against diseases and give strength and feeling of wellness, necessary for general health including libido.