Author: Dr. Hashmi

Horny Goat Weed (epimedium sagittatum) The main ingredient in Horny Goat Weed is extracted from Bulgarian tribulus terrestris, which is said to increase levels of testosterone and thyroid hormones. It is also claimed to decrease toxicity in the liver and kidneys. Maca (Lepidium meyenii) Maca is commonly referred to as Peruvian Viagra. Maca is an herb that is found in the Peruvian Andes and has been used for centuries as an aphrodisiac and treatment for impotence. According to South American folklore, it is believed to possess magical healing qualities. The local population believe it has a profound effect on impotence,…

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Causes of Erectile dysfunction: Erectile dysfunction can be caused by various factors including diabetes, age, medical condition, side effects of illicit drugs, stress, performance anxiety, cardiac problems, psychological factors, etc. It is important to consult a physician about erectile dysfunction to determine the cause, correct any underlying organic factor, and receive appropriate treatment. Poor dietary choices may also lead to erectile dysfunction. The ten best supplements for erectile dysfunction are as follows: 1. L-arginine supplements are known to relax the muscles in the penis, allowing enhanced blood flow and leading to an erection. L-arginine is found naturally in meat, dairy,…

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If you’re a guy with Erectile Dysfunction, or ED, you have many treatment options. Millions of men have found relief with one of the several FDA-approved prescription ED drugs on the market, and some have been helped with therapy treatments for ED or even with surgery. The good news is that there may also be some “natural” treatments, including dietary and other lifestyle tweaks, that can help men with ED take back their power. Taking care of your overall physical and emotional health is the best thing you can do for yourself, no matter what’s causing your ED. Of course…

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There are a few tried and tested home remedies that will help in easily getting rid of erectile dysfunction in men without any medication or surgery. 1. Drumstick Flowers In Milk One of the easiest and cheapest ways to fight erectile dysfunction from home is to use a mixture of milk and drumstick flowers. It is said that drumstick has certain aphrodisiac properties and is quite effective home remedy for erectile dysfunction. Add a handful of drumstick flowers in a glass of milk. Heat the milk with the drumstick flowers until it boils. Allow this mixture to cool down till it is…

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Who Uses Herbal Remedies for ED? Herbal remedies can provide an effective erectile dysfunction solution for the many men who cannot use erection drugs because: They experience unpleasant side effects like bad headaches, blurry vision or back ache Have a medical condition that prevents use of ED drugs They  prefer a more natural spontaneous approach to love making These men look for an answer in herbal remedies for erectile dysfunction, and will quickly find there are at least a dozen herbs that havepopeye herbal remedy for Erectile Dysfunction had a long and successful record as traditional medicines for erection problems.…

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Natural Remedies Herbs and Supplements Generally, manufacturers of herbal remedies and dietary supplements do not need FDA approval to sell their products. Just like a drug, herbs and supplements can affect the body’s chemistry, and therefore have the potential to produce side effects that may be harmful. There have been a number of reported cases of serious and even lethal side effects from herbal products. Patients should always check with their doctors before using any herbal remedies or dietary supplements. The following are special concerns for people taking alternative remedies for erectile dysfunction: Yohimbe. Yohimbe, which is similar to yohimbine,…

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Erectile dysfunction (ED) is increasingly common, affecting 30 million Americans between ages of 30 and 70. Most cases—some 80% are due to circulatory problems, drug side effects, hormonal imbalance, prostate problems or injury. Smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and depression are also definite causes. Please find below our home remedies impotence. Additionally, a reduction in male hormones, rise in male infertility and a global decrease in sperm count is mainly due to the estrogen-like effects of pesticides and other environmental toxins. Thus infertility in couples is due to the male in 35% of cases. “Male menopause” is also a…

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Straightforward steps to stimulate your sagging love life “Impotence – that’s what it must be!” He had a gentle Irish brogue and had well and truly labelled himself as “sexually dysfunctional”. Philip had tried Viagra, but all it had done was produce a headache “like Nagasaki!” “The thing is,” he told me, “I need a natural remedy for impotence. Can you help me?” What did I do to help Philip with impotence? Well, you can read about some of the approaches in my article “Male Sexual Enhancement Techniques” – such as how to maximize your psychological attitude to sex, as…

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I couldn’t believe what I was hearing: “I’m seriously considering hiring a call girl for my husband just to get him better at sex!” This was a new one on me, the wife considering paying a woman to have sex with her husband. “It’s not that I don’t love my husband, because I do. But, how can I put this…he’s lovely, but a lousy lover.” (“Hmm… this is no time for alliteration,” I thought.) “I was the first woman George ever slept with. I’m far more sexually experienced than him, but it feels ridiculous telling him what to do. He’s…

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Addressing Erectile Dysfunction Many men with erectile dysfunction (ED) have trouble discussing their condition with their doctors. This is part of why there is a strong interest in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies for ED. Unfortunately, there is little more than anecdotal evidence to support the use of most CAM therapies for ED. In addition, some therapies may actually be dangerous for your health. Talk to your doctor before you take any supplements or alternative therapies for your ED. Many supplements can interact dangerously with medications. Remember: just because a product is herbal or “natural” does not mean that…

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