Author: Dr. Hashmi

Overview Recent research has indicated that the prevalence of sexual dysfunction is high in both the sexes. Amongst females, the prevalence ranges from 25% to 60%, the average being around 40%. The exact incidence is difficult to find out since a large number of cases go unreported. This may be due to the social stigma attached to sexual disorders. However, with changing times, more and more women are becoming open to discuss their sexual problems with their physician and seek treatment for the same too. Any problem that keeps a woman from experiencing sexual pleasure can be included in the…

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Loss of libido or sex drive is something which is quite common for a female to experience after having a child. This isnormal because the female body goes through a lot of changes during pregnancy and again after giving birth. This decreased sex drive should get back normally after the first few weeks, depending on the type of delivery and the aftercare required. But if the loss of libido carries on for a much longer time, then it’s time to take some measures to get their sex life back on track. Here are a few tips on how to increase…

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We are providing Consultation, Knowledge and Treatments for the Followings: LOSS OF LIBIDO (This is a Condition in which Female is able to have Sex But Don’t  want to have Sex, Low Sex Desire) LACK OF ENJOYMENT DURING INTERCOURSE (The Condition where Female is not in Position to Enjoy the Act of SEX) DRYNESS OF VAGINA DURING INTERCOURSE (Dryness in Female’s Vagina at time of Act of Sex) ABSENT ORGASM in Female LACK OF CONFIDENCE (The Condition where Female feels afraid of Sex) SEXUAL DEPRESSION ( It is A Mental State in which, an Female who Considers Her Sexuality is…

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Here are the most questions asked by couples who are pregnant. 1.    First and foremost, is sex for pregnant women safe? In general, it is quite safe to have sex during normal or low risk pregnancy. For those women who are at a risk of preterm labor or face complications like placenta previa during their pregnancy, sex should be avoided. You should consult with your gynecologist when in doubt. 2.  What is the safe period for sex for pregnant women? It is safe to have sex till the last trimester as long as your pregnancy has been normal. Don’t have…

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Loss of libido or sex drive is very common in both men and women of all ages, from the young to the old. Disinterest in sex can cause a lot of strain in a relationship, not only in their bedroom but also in other aspects of their relationship. So it’s vital to be able to identify what is causing this, and how to get it treated so that you can get your sex life back on track. There can many causes for loss of libido; here are the 5 most common ones: 1. Medications: Some antidepressants and blood pressure medications…

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The key to enjoying better intimacy with your partner is communication (or maybe non communication?). Most couples feel that their love life is boring or just repetitive; this is so because they are reluctant to tell their partner what turns them on or off. And guys most women will tell you what they want in bed, you just have to ask (a recent poll by men health magazine showed that up to 87% of women were happy to coach their men through sex). Here are a few tips on how you can spice up your love life. 1. Go beyond…

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Most men will suffer from some sort of erection problem during their lifetime, and these problems will become more obvious when men enter their 30′s and 40′s. fortunately for most, erectile dysfunction is something that can be rectified quite easily. Listed below are some very useful tips to help men not only maintain harder and longer lasting erections but also leading a healthier life in general. 1. Sleep Well: Getting enough sleep is not only vital for your general health but also very important for your sexual potency. Sleeping for at least seven hours a day will ensure that  there…

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Erectile dysfunction can be caused by a lot of factors including medical conditions (like Thyroid problems, low testosterone levels), injuries to the pelvic area or the spinal cord, medication (for treating depression or blood pressure), abuse of alcohol and drugs, smoking, relationship issues, stress and high anxiety levels among others; but men who suffer from the below mentioned diseases are at particular risk of experiencing some sort of erectile problems. The men who suffer from the following diseases have a much higher chance of developing erectile dysfunction and should take note that they may need separate treatment to combat this…

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Almost every adult man will face some sort of erection problem sometime in their life. This inability to get and maintain a strong enough erection during intercourse is one of the most frustrating things a man can face, and if left untreated, it can totally destroy a relationship and lead long time partners to split up and in many cases be the main cause of a divorce. There is no need to panic if you have erection problems very infrequently as in such cases erectile dysfunction is often temporary and may require little or no treatment at all. But if…

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 One of the most frustrating and distressing things for men who suffer from erectile dysfunction(ED) or impotence is to find a way to talk about ED with their partner. It is difficult for them because of its sensitive nature, and a lot will depend on the type of relationship you have with your partner. Here are a few tips to help make discussing this problem with your partner a little easier. 1. It is important to research and get yourself informed about erectile dysfunction and the causes of erectile dysfunction. You need to know as much as possible about this…

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