Author: Dr. Hashmi

Psychotherapy If sexual issues are preventing true closeness between you and your partner, you may want to consider some form of therapy. If the problem is a lack of knowledge about sex, your health care provider or a sex therapist can teach you (and your partner) about the sexual response cycle and the elements of sexual stimulation. Armed with this new knowledge, many couples can go forward on their own. Psychotherapy can help a woman identify problems in her life that may be expressed as sexual problems. For some women these problems are fairly clear, including past sexual or other…

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Sexual or Dirty Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend or Girlfriend is something that both boys and girls enjoy doing, it is very important for the two lovers in a relationship to clear their doubts on any issues that might arise in their relationship. Oftentimes we shy away from asking these questions but they are very important and can help you understand your guy in a better way. In this latest article on our relationship series, we compiled a list of 20 sexy questions to ask a guy that’ll turn him on instantly and get him talking dirty in no time.…

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When I was teaching high school, we would cover human reproduction for about 2 weeks in the spring semester of Biology. Sometimes the students would get an additional unit in Health class, but that was it, unless they elected to take Anatomy/ Physiology. The students always had tons of questions. Questions like, “Is it true that you cannot get pregnant by putting Coke (Coca-Cola) in your [vagina]?” or “Can you get pregnant by going down on a guy?” Despite having the access to contraception via a medically staffed satellite health clinic on campus, and getting some education in school, kids were…

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Teaching about sexuality encourages students to develop a coherent set of personal values based upon respecting themselves and others. Students who understand and value themselves and others are better equipped to develop meaningful and respectful relationships. They are able to take a positive approach to managing their lives and develop the necessary skills to prepare them for current and future life challenges. Sexuality education lays the foundations for students by learning the correct names for parts of the body, understanding principles of human reproduction, exploring family and interpersonal relationships, learning about safety, and developing confidence. These can then be built…

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Looks like it’s one step forward and one step back for Kansas. Last week, a committee in the statehouse squashed a bill that would have expanded spanking rights in schools. That’s a point for student rights. Another two bills were introduced this month in the state House and Senate that would require parental consent before kids would be allowed to take sex education classes. State law currently allows local school boards to decide whether they want to require parents to approve sex education for their kids. Republican state Sen. Mary Pilcher-Cook sponsored bills S.B. 376 and H.B. 2620 after a constituent came…

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In the school where I work, I teach a lot of very factual sex education to teenage boys. In an ideal world, I’d have time to get to know each class and we’d be able to talk honestly about our hopes and fears and feelings. But there isn’t an exam in sex education, so the subject gets squeezed to the edges of the curriculum and, in some schools, squeezed out altogether. In the brief time I have with each class, I talk a bit about the importance of relationships and love but the teenagers sitting there are far more interested…

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In the 14 years or so since Viagra was introduced in 1998, the number of men diagnosed with erectile dysfunction (ED) has increased by a whopping 250 percent. Men are realizing more and more that they’re not alone and that they have options. Aside from pills like Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis, for example, there are surgical, therapeutic, even do-it-yourself treatments that can bring back that lovin’ feeling. “Some older ED treatments are actually being used more than ever, especially for men who can’t take the pill,” says Michael Feloney, MD, a urologist at the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha. Read…

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Male erection or penile erection which is the combination of reflex action and emotional stimulation guides the essence of masculine sexual behavior. Erectile dysfunction refers to the condition of physiological disorder whereby there is incapability of developing and holding on to an erection. Causes of Erectile Dysfunction Sponsored Links Problem or disorders in the circulatory or cardiovascular system may cause erectile dysfunction. Maladies such as ‘diabetes’ and ‘multiple sclerosis’ may give way to erectile dysfunction. Insufficient secretion of hormone and circulatory malfunction bringing about changes in the potassium level are significantly responsible for causing impotency. Excess dependence on drugs seeking…

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Erectile dysfunction or malfunction involves the improper functioning of male reproductive organ as a result of which the male organ or penis is unable to secure erection during the performance of sexual act. Erection which is enabled by a spurt of blood flow into the penis is the combined interplay of hormonal and neurological stimulations. Owing to hormonal insufficiency, deficiency of potassium, diabetes, cardiac ailments and psychological factors; erectile dysfunction may occur. Erectile dysfunction leading to male impotency may well develop as side effect of drugs such as anti depressants. Cure for erectile Dysfunction – Home Remedies & Natural Treatment…

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Ayurveda scripts describe several types of impotency and effective treatments to cure them. Causes of Male Impotency and Natural Cure for Impotence Impotency is any disorder that affects male reproductive capacity. Impotency is not limited to the ability to perform sexual actions, but the inability or disorder to beget children is also called impotency. There are some conditions, mental or physical, that prevents a man from successfully performing sexual intercourse. The sexual disabilities, of course, will lead to inability to procreate naturally. Female impotency is also known as frigidity. The word impotency is used to refer both male and female…

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