Author: Dr. Hashmi

exual impotence in men is a common problem whose frequency tends to increase with age. So before you start losing your sexual power, understand that being impotent doesn’t mean you have to suffer the problem forever. Home remedies come in handy to help men achieve greater sexual potency. “Some of these remedies may help, but they may prove ineffective for others. Experimenting with different home remedies yields beneficial results for less advanced cases,” cautions Dr. M.P. Mani, (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery). Here are some of the most common home remedies for treating male sexual impotence. Sexual Impotence treatment…

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Improve Male Sexual Performance If you’re looking to go all night in bed, you’re not alone. Men are always looking to enhance their sexual performance, whether to improve existing problems or to search for new ways to keep their partner happy. While there are plenty of male enhancement pills on the market, there are simple ways to stay firmer and last longer without having to visit the pharmacy. Heart Health & Sexual Performance Your penis works on blood pressure. The brain sends signals to your penis, which causes vessels to become engorged with blood. Your heart pumps that blood. When…

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Research has pinpointed the true sources of sexual pleasure for women. Let the findings reignite your sex life…if you dare. Women haven’t been waiting for a lab report to learn that sexual sensation centered on the vagina is different from sensation centered on the clitoris—or on the breasts, for that matter. But apparently this is breaking news to sex researchers, who have only recently confirmed these facts using high-tech brain scans. And if this information comes as a surprise to your partner too, you’ll be able to change your sex life in the most satisfying ways imaginable. This research comes…

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Don’t worry: We’re not going to suggest that the key to wanting sex again is a long walk on the beach, lighting scented candles, or making dinner reservations for two. A lukewarm libido could actually be caused by a very real health or behavioral issue—and all the romantic clichés in the world aren’t going to get the job done. But the good news is that there are also very real fixes to match the underlying problems. Here are 9 proven solutions to common libido-crushers. Switch up your birth control. Hormonal birth control can reduce the amount of testosterone in your…

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Chances are, you don’t need any extra excuses to get it on, but it turns out that certain moments can be even better than others for having sex. Total game-changer, right? Check out the best times ever to get busy: Before a big presentation Research shows that having sex calms nerves, lowers blood pressure and reduces stress. One study even found that people who had sex before a public speaking experiment were the least stressed. In the morning Seriously, your body was made for morning sex. “Not only are testosterone and energy levels higher in the morning, but the increase…

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Could your sex life use a boost? It’s normal for people in long-term relationships to feel like things have gotten a little (or a lot)…stale. But simply mixing it up a bit can be all it takes to reignite the spark, says Ellen Barnard, a sexuality educator and owner of the Madison, WI boutique A Woman’s Touch. Shake things up by starting a bucket list with all the sexy situations you want to try (we’re serious). Feel free to steal the 11 ideas below—they’re guaranteed to boost your sex life and the connection between you and your partner. Now, how quickly can you…

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Hot, spicy, and a little messy: If that more accurately describes the pizza you ordered in on Saturday night than your sex life, it could be time for an intimacy overhaul. And no, we’re not talking expensive lingerie or cliché sexy texts. These 8 quick-and-dirty tips are simple enough to implement now, but still wonderfully effective. 1. Breathe deeply. Anyone who’s caught herself thinking about her inbox or the laundry left overnight in the washer knows that great sex often depends on your frame of mind—and that’s before it even begins. “To get into the right headspace, breathe into your…

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Was it last week, last month? Last…year? We get it: Sometimes it’s easier to give into your excuses—I’m too tired, let’s just do it this weekend, it doesn’t even feel that great to begin with. But we don’t need to tell you that sex is essential for a healthy marriage—and also a healthy you. Research shows that a happy sex life can stamp out stress, reduce heart disease risk, and even improve immunity. But enough of the nonsexy talk. Try just one of these tricks today. You can thank us later. 1. Smell your way sexy. Cucumber, licorice, and baby…

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What’s really going on? We’re just going to come out and say it: Wanting to throttle your husband from time to time is perfectly normal. But if you’re constantly coming up against the same relationship problem—and experts say most couples do—then you’ll have to get to the root of the conflict if you want to move forward as a happier, healthier, more-connected couple. No partnership is impervious to these patterns, but they can corrode perfectly loving bonds over time, especially if you think your conflict is really about chores, or hygiene, or dirty socks on the bedroom floor. It’s not.…

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You’ve seen those erectile-dysfunction drug ads on TV and online—even former Bears coach Mike Ditka barks at you to “get back in the game” in a Levitra commercial. Erection issues are plenty common, even in guys who aren’t as old as the famous Viagra pitchman, former senator Bob Dole. Seven percent of 18- to 29-year-old men and 9 percent of 30- to 39-year-olds are unable to achieve orgasm, according to a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association. But is a pill the answer for you? What Can You Expect from Drugs? The class of drugs that Levitra,…

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