Author: Dr. Hashmi
I have been suffering from impotency (erectile dysfunction) and premature ejaculation. I want its herbal treatment. Erectile Dysfunction Remedies Erectile dysfunction is a sexual disorder wherein a man is unable to maintain an erection long enough to have sexual intercourse. There are many different causes of this condition. Erectile dysfunction is not a serious disorder, neither does it cause any harm to the body. However it can adversely affect self esteem and may even cause problems in personal relationships. It is essential for the partner to be supportive as added stress can also aggravate the erectile dysfunction. Mostly, older males…
Our email inboxes fill up every day with advertisements for pills, ointments, supplements, and contraptions aimed at enhancing penis size, sexual stamina, or libido. It’s a testimony to men’s abiding insecurities about sexual performance. The question is, do any of these “male enhancement” techniques really work? Richard, a mechanic from upstate New York, is a muscular, athletic guy. He has a loving wife who has always enjoyed their sex life. But ever since he was a young boy, Richard couldn’t get over the feeling that his penis was too small. In public bathrooms, he’d use the handicapped stall. He felt…
For centuries, men have tried all sorts of natural remedies for erectile dysfunction (ED) — the repeated inability to get or maintain an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. But do they really work? It is simply not scientifically known at this point. Furthermore, you take these remedies at your own risk, because their safety profiles have not been established. What follows are commentaries by experts and reviews in the field of alternative treatments that are available over the counter for erectile dysfunction. “Just because there is evidence doesn’t mean it’s good evidence,” says Andrew McCullough, MD, associate professor of…
Treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED) has improved significantly over the past few years, and the arrival of new medications in 2003 has increased the choice. However, older established treatments such as the vacuum pump remain useful for many men. Deciding which treatment is best for an individual depends on many factors including: the presence of other medical conditions the possibility of interaction with other prescribed medication the preferences of you and your partner. For example, a man who takes blood-thinning drugs (anticoagulants) should avoid injections into the penis or a vacuum device, because they might lead to excessive bruising. A…
Impotence. The word somehow sounds like failure, weakness. If you feel that you are impotent, you may also feel that you have somehow lost part of your dignity, your masculinity, your wholeness. But you shouldn’t feel that way — impotence, also known as erectile dysfunction (ED), can almost always improve with treatment. In this article, we’ll talk about the causes of impotence and some home remedies, including medical and non-medical solutions for the problem. There are many degrees of erectile difficulties. Some men are able to achieve an erection but are not able to maintain it. Others become erect, but…
Erectile dysfunction is a treatable sexual problem that can cause a great amount ofanxiety and frustration both in the bedroom and out. However, the good news is that this challenge can be approached from several angles, including conventional medicine, alternative/complementary options, and lifestyle changes. Too often, men and their partners believe the conventional medicine road—which typically includes the use of erectile dysfunction drugs such as Viagra and Cialis–is the only one to follow. Yet there is much you can accomplish by making lifestyle modifications. In fact, the beauty of choosing to alter your lifestyle not only may resolve your erectile…
What’s Causing Erectile Dysfunction in Your Life? Erectile dysfunction can be triggered by a variety of sources — a health condition, emotional or relationship problems, some medications, smoking, drugs, or alcohol. Though treatment options include medications and surgery, there are also non-invasive options that may help. One new study found that some men can reverse erectile dysfunction with lifestyle changes. The study, from Australian researchers and published in May 2014 in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, also showed that, even if medication is required, it’s likely to be more effective if you implement these lifestyle changes. Get Moving “There are…
Even though, people often say that when you fall in love, size and looks don’t matter. But well, the size of the penis does matter during sex. Sex experts said that women enjoy having sex with men having large size penis. Men with larger penis feel legitimate anxiety when they enter the mating process also gets related to social status, height, wealth, and other traits to arouse your sexual mood, suggested sex experts. The larger the size of the penis, grinding during intercourse can be more intimate and can improve the process of love making as well. Men with large…
Can you run as fast as you did when you were 20 years old? Hit a baseball as far as you once could? Bash a tennis ball with the same speed and spin? Probably not. As we age, there are still plenty of ways to stay in the game and enjoy it. That’s as true of sex as it is of sports. Erectile dysfunction (ED) can occur for many reasons. Sometimes it is as simple as the side effect of a particular medication. But for roughly 75% of men, the cause is more complex. ED may result from vascular disease,…
Impotence is a very common problem. Remember one in ten men have a problem achieving and or sustaining an erection at some point in their lives. The important thing is if you have a problem that does not seem to be improving, you get help. You have read what impotence is, you have looked at the possible causes of it. Now lets look at the many treatments available for impotence. There have been big advances in the treatments for impotence. Psychosexual Therapy for Impotence It is estimated that up to 90% of the cause of erectile problems have a psychological…