Author: admin
Ever wondered how much energy you expend while engaging in sexual activities? While it may not be the first thing on your mind during intimate moments, understanding the calorie expenditure of sex can offer some interesting insights into how this activity contributes to physical well-being. The Energy Expenditure of Sex Sex, like other physical activities, burns calories based on its intensity, duration, and the participants’ body weights. Research into the exact number of calories burned during sex is limited, but existing studies provide some estimates. On average, men burn about 101 calories during sex, which translates to roughly 4.2 calories…
Sex offers a range of benefits beyond just pleasure. Engaging in sexual activity can positively impact various aspects of your health. Here are seven compelling reasons to enjoy a little intimacy, whether with a partner or through self-pleasure. 1. Boost Heart Health Sex functions as a form of physical exercise, which can be beneficial for your cardiovascular health. Research shows that men who engage in sex at least twice a week have a lower risk of heart disease compared to those who have sex less frequently. Additionally, a study found that heart attack survivors who continued their usual level of…
अनार, एक ऐसा फल जो पूरे साल उपलब्ध रहता है, स्वास्थ्य के लिहाज से बेहद फायदेमंद माना जाता है। इसके छोटे-छोटे लाल दानों में कई प्रकार के पोषक तत्व और औषधीय गुण होते हैं। विशेषकर, पुरुषों के लिए अनार के अनेक लाभ हैं। इसमें पाया जाने वाला जूस भी सेक्सुअल स्वास्थ्य और अन्य शारीरिक समस्याओं में सुधार लाने में मदद कर सकता है। इस लेख में हम अनार के फायदों पर विस्तार से चर्चा करेंगे। अनार के पोषक तत्व अनार में कैल्शियम, पोटैशियम, सोडियम, मैग्नीशियम, आयरन, और विभिन्न विटामिन्स की भरपूर मात्रा होती है। इसके फल के अलावा, अनार के…
Beyond the obvious pleasure, sex offers a variety of health benefits that might surprise you. Engaging in sexual activity can enhance your well-being in several meaningful ways. Whether you’re with a partner or on your own, the positive impacts of sex are worth noting. 1. Enhanced Heart Health Sexual activity can be good for your heart. Studies have shown that men who engage in sex at least twice a week are at a lower risk for cardiovascular diseases, such as stroke and heart attack, compared to those who have sex less frequently. Additionally, research suggests that maintaining a regular sex…
If you’re looking to add more excitement and satisfaction to your sex life, there are several natural methods to consider. From improving relaxation to embracing new practices, these approaches can help revitalize your sexual experiences. 1. Prioritize Time for Intimacy Finding time for intimacy can significantly impact your sex life. When you have a busy schedule, it can be difficult to get in the mood. Setting aside dedicated time for relaxation and connection with your partner can help. Scheduling sex, though it may seem unromantic, ensures that you make space for intimacy and helps you unwind before engaging in sexual…
Looking to enrich your sex life? The team of experts from Flo has put together practical advice for you and your partner to try. Here are some ways to elevate your sexual experience and deepen your connection. Boost Your Libido Sexual desire often peaks around ovulation, which is when the body is most capable of conceiving. However, various life factors such as stress and a hectic schedule can affect your libido. For instance, workplace stress might reduce your interest in sex, while a relaxing vacation could revitalize it. Research shows that single women may experience more significant fluctuations in sexual…
The uterus plays a critical role in conception, implantation, and maintaining a pregnancy. Various uterine conditions can interfere with these processes, making it challenging to achieve and sustain pregnancy. Here’s an overview of how different uterine issues can affect fertility: Chronic Endometritis Chronic endometritis is a persistent inflammation of the uterine lining, often caused by infections. This inflammation can create an unfavorable environment for embryo implantation, increasing the likelihood of recurrent miscarriages. Treatment generally involves antibiotics to clear the infection and restore a healthy uterine environment. Thin Endometrium A thin endometrium refers to insufficient thickness of the uterine lining, which…
Sex Education Guide: the way to have higher Sex at all ages A lot has been said and heard about sex so far. But according to age, what kind of changes occur in sexual desire, action-response, it is less discussed. Let us try to know this aspect. Enjoyable sex is necessary to lead a happy life, but the desire for sex changes at every age. This can flow from to age, increasing responsibilities or changes in hormones. The desire for sex varies with each age. To know at what age sex desire changes – read the blog. Teenage A. In…
What is sexual fitness for man and female? Some ways to improve them – It is true that our society has started talking openly about sex and sex related topics, but there is no doubt that even today people have misconceptions about sex. Because it may have been come some openness about sex, but maturity has not come yet. In such a situation, the question often comes in the mind of people that are we sexually fit? A normal person needs sex and wants sex. This desire and need for sex can be different in different people. Some may have…
The FDA intends to authorize booster shots of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for all adults this week — potentially as early as Thursday. The CDC’s independent vaccine advisory committee also meets on Friday to discuss booster dose data. If both the FDA and CDC approve the extra shots this week, tens of millions of Americans could soon become eligible for additional shots, according to The New York Times. Last week, Pfizer asked the FDA to authorize booster doses for ages 18 and older who received a second vaccine dose at least 6 months ago. Several top health officials in the…