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Do you feel like your sex drive just isn’t what it used to be? You aren’t alone — many people feel that way at some point in their lives. In some cases, a decrease in libido may be due to a medical issue. For many people, however, the situation may be remedied without resorting to medication. Check out the top 10 natural libido boosters, from Dr. Catherine Hood. You just may find one that puts the spark back into your love life. Drink in Moderation One alcoholic drink can lubricate a nervous first-date situation. By reducing anxiety and stress one…
It’s the truth: You reach a certain age where having sex isn’t as easy or satisfying as it used to be. Many factors can contribute to erectile dysfunction (ED)—anything from smoking to cardiovascular disease to general stress—and you shouldn’t be shy about discussing any erectile problems with your doctor. If there’s an underlying health condition causing your troubles, treating the cause may get you back to top form in no time. Of course, these days we also have a variety of medication available to help men achieve and maintain an erection. But before you pop a pill, try these natural…
ED or erectile dysfunction affects millions globally. Its implications are not just physical, but emotional as well. A man with erectile problems will not only be conscious of his incapability, but will also be socially and mentally backward as he is not confident about himself. Erectile dysfunction is a problem that many men suffer from and hide due to the social stigma attached to it. It manifests itself as a difficulty in attaining an erection and sustain the erection during copulation. As this is a problem that will have a great impact on your sexual life and your ability to…
Impotence is man’s inability to sustain the erection of his manhood. Someone who has the sexual urge, but lacks in sexual prowess is known to be impotent. It robs you of the feeling of masculinity. The term itself is ignominious to the personality of the person in question. People suffering from impotence always try to hide their inability from the society at large. However, your partner is quite aware of the fact and is the sole victim of this inability of yours. Though this inability is mainly associated with old age, young people are no longer immune to it. Off late…
ED or erectile dysfunction is a common problem faced by men during their reproductive years. The condition causes sexual dysfunction when a man cannot attain an erection and retain it for long when he manages to attain it. Stress, lifestyle and certain medications and conditions are responsible for this condition. Many men who suffer from erectile dysfunction are scared and embarrassed to admit it, let alone treat it, as there are many personal as well as social repercussions associated with this condition. If this is the case with your life partner, here are some ways by which you can treat…
We’ve uncovered the secrets of sperm and the truth about testicles, but what about the star of the show—the mighty erection? Even if you’ve seen your fair share of penises, there are still a lot of things that may surprise you about what he’s packing. Here are ten fascinating facts you need to know about: There Are Three Kinds of Erections That’s right, there’s a separate salute for different occasions. Reflexogenic erections come from actual contact, psychogenic erections come from audiovisual stimulation or fantasy, and nocturnal erections take place, of course, at night. The second two types of erections aren’t always…
Since the accidental development of the drug sildenafil (Viagra) – originally a heart drug that researchers noticed had an effect on men’s penile erections – the condition of erectile dysfunction is something we have all become aware of. Men who have a problem with their sexual performance may be reluctant to talk to their doctor about an embarrassing issue. But modern medicine understands that there are numerous medical and psychological explanations for erectile dysfunction, including the possibility of underlying conditions that are important to address. The problem could also be one with a solution – and doctors are used to…
Since Viagra was approved by the FDA in 1998, the “little blue pill” has become a household name and part of our culture. But these days there are a host of lesser-known erectile dysfunction drugs on the market, including Cialis, Levitra, Staxyn and Stendra. Dr. David Samadi, vice chairman of the Department of Urology and Chief of Robotics and Minimally Invasive Surgery at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, makes sense of all the choices and offers advice on deciding what’s right for you. As a man ages, sexual performance can decline as a result of…
Lackluster libido? Try clearing your home of these sex-drive annihilators! Feeling a little lackluster in the libido department this Valentine’s Day? You’re not alone. Americans’ sex drives are plummeting, thanks to many chemicals and ingredients added to our food, medicines, shower gels, and even sex toys! Get your hormones back on track and rev up your sex drive by eliminating the top sex-drive killers that lurk in your home. Soda Have you heard the gross fact about many sodas? Some, like Mountain Dew, list brominated vegetable oil—or BVO—as an ingredient. Bromine products are linked to male infertility, impotence, and decreased…
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a very common condition and it affects about one in ten men worldwide. Initially, there were no medical treatments available to treat the condition, but now the FDA has approved five oral drugs that can help affected patients. These drugs work by increasing the blood flow to the penile muscle to ensure an erection. Common Drugs for Erectile Dysfunction: Mechanism of Action Cialis, Levitra, Staxyn, Stendra, and Viagra are now available for patients through prescription. These drugs belong to the drug class, phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitors. All these drugs work on the mechanism of drawing blood in…