Author: admin

The term ‘healthy sperms’ indicates that the sperms are abundant in number, with at least 15 million sperm cells present in one mililitre of semen sample (40 million/ejaculate), they have a normal shape and structure and they have their motility intact. If any one of these qualities in majority of your sperms is missing, they are unhealthy. If you have unhealthy sperms you could be impotent and infertile and your sex drive could be lowered. Since all these aspects are directly linked to male sexuality and can severely affect your sex life, you would definitely want to prevent deterioration of your…

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Somewhere between work pressure, family responsibilities and personal goals, stress levels have overtaken our lives completely. While chronic stress can affect all systems of your body, it can also take a toll on your sex life. Here’s how: #1 Lowers sex drive: According to a research published in the journal Hormones and Behavior, chronic stress increases the levels of stress hormones in the body, especially cortisol. High level of cortisol can suppress the function and effect of the male sex hormone testosterone, which is responsible for boosting men’s desire for having sex [1]. With lower levels of testosterone, you’ll naturally shy…

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Sex is often thought to be satisfying and soothing. However, the reality is not always what you think. There could be times when pain during sex could ruin all the fun and make it impossible to reach an orgasmic climax. Here are some reasons that cause pain during sex in men and how to deal with them to last longer in the bed. Here are few common causes of pain during sex for men and how to avoid them: #1 Peyronie’s disease: Commonly known as erectile dysfunction or ED, it is a common cause of painful sex for most men.…

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Erectile dysfunction or break down engage the improper functioning of male reproductive organ as a effect of which the guy organ or penis is unable to secure erection during the performance of sexual act. Erection which is enabled by a spurt of blood flow into the penis is the combined interplay of hormonal and neurological stimulations. Owing to hormonal insufficiency, deficiency of potassium, diabetes, cardiac ailments and psychological factors; erectile dysfunction may occur. Erectile dysfunction leading to male impotency may well develop as side effect of drugs such as anti depressants. Cure for erectile Dysfunction – Home Remedies & Natural…

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Ayurveda writing describes some types of impotency and effectual treatment to therapy them. Cause of Male Impotency and normal treat for Impotence Impotency is any disorder that affects male reproductive capacity. Impotency is not limited to the ability to perform sexual actions, but the inability or disorder to beget children is also called impotency. There are some conditions, mental or physical, that prevents a man from successfully performing sexual intercourse. The sexual disabilities, of course, will lead to inability to procreate naturally. Female impotency is also known as frigidity. The word impotency is used to refer both male and female…

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You may find it embarrassing if you are having difficulty maintaining an erection, or finding it hard to ejaculate, but you are not alone. Many men have the same problem. As many as two and a half million men around the UK may have some sort of sexual dysfunction at any one time. And although it may not be something you want to discuss with your friends, it is important that you get some advice if you are worried about it. Young Men The most common cause of erectile dysfunction for young men is anxiety. This may include concerns about…

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If my spam folder is any indication, there’s an international epidemic of erectile dysfunction the likes of which the world has never seen before. That’s not exactly the case, but there is some cause for concern. Ever since ads for Viagra hit the airwaves more than a decade ago, many of us can quote facts about erectile dysfunction (including what you should do if an erection lasts for more than four hours). Long-term ED affects 5 percent of men by age 40. That figure jumps to 25 percent of men by age 65. Young men are often left out of conversations about…

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Many men prefer a natural libido booster to prescription medications such as Viagra, which is increasingly abused as a recreational drug The origin of “aphrodisiac” derives from Greek mythology and references Aphrodite, the goddess of love. Since the beginning of time, men have searched for aphrodisiacs in order to stimulate their failing passions. Overtime, longevity has increased and so has the pursuit for enhanced experience. Although Viagra (sildenafil citrate) has proven itself an extremely effective aphrodisiac, it is also a prescription medication that is not appropriate for use by all men and is in fact considered “inadvisable” for those men…

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The not-so-sexy truth: It’s not always easy to get excited about sex after working a nine-hour day and ferrying around three kids. It’s not always easy even if you have only one kid and didn’t step outside the house all day. In general, some 43 percent of women and 31 percent of men in the United States report sexual dysfunction. The numbers are even higher for those over 50. Indeed one study of menopausal women found that nearly half reported a decrease in sexual desire after menopause. Lots of issues contribute to the problem, including stress, smoking and hormonal imbalance.…

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Do you find yourself too busy, too tired, or too distracted for sex? Or does your drive just not seem to be there like it used to? Testosterone is not responsible for libido alone. Especially for women, desire stems from a much more complicated set of hormonal and emotional interactions. But for men, while testosterone is not the whole story, it does play a leading role and the modern lifestyle may be your T’s worst enemy. There is a new syndrome called Irritable Male Syndrome, or IMS, that’s due to testosterone deficiency. It goes beyond low libido, and includes emotional…

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