Author: admin

Bleeding after sexual intercourse in women, who have an active sex life, is quite normal and can happen due to a number of reasons, which are mostly harmless. Although a little spotting after intercourse usually doesn’t raise an alarm, at times it can also signify an illness or a serious health condition that could call for immediate medical attention. Hence watch your symptoms closely and seek an appointment with your doctor if you feel it’s necessary. In case you have spotted blood down there after intercourse, the following could be the probable reasons: You are having sex for the first…

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Did you know that over 95% of women who have given birth have never experienced an orgasm from penetration? Meaning the penis has never been able to make them orgasm in their life! Most men would never believe this. Most men will insist that every woman they have had sex with has experienced many orgasms during sexual intercourse. It’s not their fault as men are meant to think that they are pleasuring a woman and satisfying her. The reason why they don’t realise it is because women are very good at faking orgasms. Also read top 5 orgasm myths. Why…

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There are several factors that influence a woman’s sexual health and desires — hormonal changes, pregnancy, menopause, etc. However, what makes sex undesirable for most women is pain during intercourse. Here are a few common reasons that could lead to pain during sex in women and how to avoid them: #1 Vaginal dryness: Lack of natural lubrication is one of the common reasons of pain during sex in women. There could be a various reasons leading to vaginal dryness. Certain medications like contraceptive pills, antidepressant and medications for allergies tend to make the skin down there become dry and flaky.…

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Do it when you are ready Sex is supposed to be fun, and enjoyable. Don’t stress out about the ‘when’. Think about the person you are going to be with. Make it special by picking the right time for both of you. It is important for you and your partner to be ready – mentally, physically and emotionally – for the step. Moreover, there is no pressure to do it on the date that you have decided. It may or may not happen, so just go with the flow. Protection first Probably the most important part of the whole ‘first…

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Most men do just fine when it comes to getting an erection but there will be times when things won’t go so well down there. It won’t be as hard or last as long as you want. After all, getting an erection is a complex procedure which involves your brain, heart and other external factors like arousal and anxiety. We give you ten ways to make sure that your little friend doesn’t let you down when it matters the most: Kick the butt Smoking’s bloody cool isn’t it? If only youngsters who start smoking knew the effect it will have on their…

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I am a 21-year-old man and I suffer from frequent night falls. Can nightfall be stopped? Night fall is a completely natural process that happens when your body needs to get rid of extra semen. If you masturbate or have sex often, then it is unlikely that you’ll have nightfall. However, in our country a lot of people think of masturbation as a sin and something that can cause you to lose weight, feel weak or even lose your eyesight. None of these myths are true. In fact, masturbation has a lot of health benefits ranging from reducing stress to…

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Couples who face difficulty conceiving even after a year of having unprotected intercourse have higher chances of infertility issues. And, infertility isn’t just women’s problem. ‘Men can have problems with fertility, too. When a couple is having a hard time getting pregnant, it is just as likely to be caused by a problem with a man’s fertility as it is with a woman’s fertility,’ says Dr Abha Shroff, chief pathologist and director at Disha Pathology Labs, Mumbai. ‘1 out of 3 times, infertility is due to a problem with the man. That’s why it is essential that both the man…

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Sex might not be the first thing on your mind when you’re suffering from a health problem. But with health issues that stick around for a long period of time, you should think about their effects on your sex life. Most chronic conditions can affect your sex life in some way. Here’s a list of the most common ones: 1. Diabetes: Uncontrolled sugar levels in the blood can lead to several complications and sexual dysfunction is one of them. Statistics show that 60-70% of all men with diabetes experience erectile problems during their lifetime. That’s because diabetes affects the flow…

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We have good days, bad days and ugly days. It’s really impossible to bring your A-game to every single romp session. That being said, sometimes some people say things that can hurt us. So ladies, if you want your man to be happy, never say these horrible things to them during, coitus: An ex’s name There’s nothing more demeaning than hearing another chef’s name while you’ve been toiling away in the kitchen. Ladies, do make sure you don’t scream out another guy’s name while bumping uglies. If you’ve trouble remembering names, just stick to the impossible-to-get wrong ‘Oh God’. Is it in? Most guys – thanks to porn – believe that they’re not too big in the penis department. It has given every guy the impression that a man can only give sexual pleasure if he is come equipped…

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We get a lot of questions on our Q&A section, most of them which should’ve been answered in primary school. They range from the basic to the downright bizarre. So we decided to make up for the lack of sex education in our country, by answering some basic sex-related questions: Only proper vaginal penetrative sex can make a girl pregnant! We seem to get a lot of queries asking what will get a girl pregnant. One fellow was even worried that washing his clothes with his sister could get her pregnant. The point is that your sperm is not super-sperm…

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