Author: Dr. Hashmi
The pressures of the fast-paced modern world have negatively impacted many aspects of life, including the natural environment, people’s health and familial, workplace, friend and romantic relationships. Depression is common amongst American people, which further contributes to the decline of one’s sex drive. Loss of sex drive tends to affect women more than men on the whole, with menopause being a time of great depression, anxiety and irritability, which also lead to a low sex drive. Muira Puama Muira puama is one of the most popular and widely consumed herbs. It grows in the northern Amazon river basin. This herb…
Not feeling the heat? You don’t need drugs. According to the Wall Street Journal, one out of every five men over 40 in the U. S. have tried Viagra, with an average of nine pills dispensed every second. Unfortunately, nearly half suffer at least one side effect while using it, including headache, stuffy nose, flushed face, visual disturbances, and upset stomach. CBS News adds that the price has doubled since the product launched in 1999, with 100 pills now running about $1,500. Meanwhile, though the drug may help improve erectile dysfunction, it does nothing for sexual desire or low libido.…
When I have male patients come into the office seeking help with erectile dysfunction or female patients with low libido issues, I am often surprised by their adverse reaction to some basic health and lifestyle questions. It really should not be a huge stretch of the medical imagination to connect getting three to four hours of sleep per night, and then not feeling all that frisky the next day – just ask any new parent. TCM preaches looking at human body as a fully integrated system, with what happens to the parts affecting the whole and vice versa. Thus before…
A healthy sex drive is a natural part of an individual’s makeup, so if you are experiencing low sex drive it’s important to investigate the causes with your doctor. Fortunately, however, there are a number of natural home remedies that can not only boost your sex drive but will also improve your mood, help you look and feel better and raise your overall energy levels as well. An apple a day Most people will remember their childhood days where their parents would force them to eat an apple saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. So proving that…
One of the 34 symptoms of menopause is loss of libido, but there are things you can do to help keep your sex life intact. Just because you are going through menopause does not mean you need to give up doing the things you love. Loss of libido is experienced differently by men and women, and for women it is often multifaceted, with desires rooted in physical and emotional attraction as well as relational causes. So if you are looking for proven herbal remedies for your low libido, continue reading for the five best natural remedies that will do just…
It’s estimated that 30-40 percent of people around the globe experience a lack of interest in sex for at least several months in any given year.1 The reasons for low libido are complex and run the gamut from stress and other emotional difficulties to physical problems, including erectile dysfunction. Most people do not seek help for chronic low libido, which is unfortunate because regular sex with a committed partner cannot be underestimated as a factor for reducing stress, bolstering self-esteem, and fostering feelings of intimacy and bonding between partners. A healthy sex life can provide for a longer, healthier and,…
Lack of sex drive (lack of libido) is common in women, but more rare in men. Even men with who have difficulty maintaining an erection (erectile dysfunction) usually have a normal, or even high, sex drive. However, some men do find that their interest in sex diminishes as they get older. And a very few have never experienced any sexual desire in their lives. The 21st century has seen the emergence of a lot of firms and clinics that claim to treat low libido in males. These organisations come and go. Often they charge very high fees for services that…
Sexual desire naturally ebbs and flows over time, but if yours has been on the low end of the scale for longer than you would like, it may be time to seek medical advice. When your sex drive is low, it would be nice if getting interested in sex again were as easy as taking a pill. But there are no approved prescription drugs for men or women that are specifically designed to cure low libido. However, doctors do have options for medically increasing libido. Here are some ways low libido can be evaluated and treated. Checking Your Hormone Levels…
Testosterone is considered to be the “male hormone” that’s produced by men in the testes. Although women’s ovaries produce some testosterone, the hormone is produced in much higher concentrations in men and it is responsible for many of the secondary sex characteristics seen in men such as a deeper voice and hair on the chest, in addition to contributing to a healthy libido, building muscle mass, and maintaining energy levels. In general, the normal range in males is about 270 to 1070 ng/dL with an average level of 679 ng/dL. A normal male testosterone level peaks at about age 20,…
The male libido is always in overdrive, right? Wrong — one out of five men actually have a low sex drive. Men. High sex drive. Panting sexual animals. We know what they want. And we know when they want it: right now. Even doctors tend to see men as “sexual automatons,” hardwired always to want sex, says pioneering sex researcher Irwin Goldstein, MD, director of sexual medicine at San Diego’s Alvarado Hospital and editor in chief of The Journal of Sexual Medicine. “But that is not the case at all,” Goldstein tells WebMD Magazine. “Many, many men — about one…