Author: Dr. Hashmi

If you’ve been watching a lot of porn recently, your idea of a strong erection and how long it should last might just be skewed. But, there may be times when you might need a little help to maintain your erection just a little longer, isn’t it? First of all, you need to understand that the process of getting an erection is a complex one and many factors influence it. Your physical condition as well as your mental state contribute a lot. Here are some things you can try to make your erections last longer: Kick the butt Smoking’s bloody…

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You want to always great risk of side effects, severe pain, may distort the member, in the end, suffering from impotence, lose their sex drive, and, even worse… spend (lose) boat load hard earned money? If you answered, HELL, NO, I only have 3 simple words, which I recommend you to follow, if you want to make sure, increase the size of his penis and improve the health of your masculinity. These 3 words natural…… a member of the increase. What this means is, as the name already says, of Course, masculinity grow more! Why it is so important to…

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Here is all that you ever wanted to know about sexual dysfunction in males — causes, diagnosis and treatment. Male impotence is also known as erectile dysfunction and is the lack of a person’s physiological sexual ability. In this condition, a man suffers from the inability to develop or maintain an erection of the penis sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance. To understand the causes and reasons for impotence in males, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of the erection. An erection occurs when blood enters the many spaces inside the penis; it may be understood as hydraulic action. The…

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you are unaware of what actually is nitric oxide, I suggest that you check out the beginning of this post. After reading that you can come back here to figure out what to eat for nitric oxide boost. Most of these foods are plant based, because I decided to leave out most of the meat products as I’m not a big fan of  the chemically made nitrates sprayed on non-organic meats. I believe that those chemical nitrates won’t work as well as these natural kinds. If I would of have added those meat products, this list would easily be 50…

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A low libido can have a significant impact on your life and may even lead to issues in your marriage. Those with a low libido should know the causes so that they can address them quickly. Aging As you age, things like menopause and hormonal imbalances can have a negative effect on your sex drive. Men getting older may also experience impotence which can cause problems. For women, things like vaginal dryness can make sex painful so they avoid it. Overall Health Your overall health plays a major role in your sexual health. Those with chronic medical conditions can experience…

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The all-natural herbs enclosed will improve women sex drive however they will even perform considerably more – they may improve general health, wellbeing and also raise mood all simultaneously… Some of the physical signs and symptoms of low sex drive in ladies are weak blood flow, not enough nitric oxide as well as low testosterone amounts. Tension, Tiredness and nervousness, may all have an effect on sex drive in ladies. The brain must be properly nourished and access properly oxygenated blood and an appropriate hormonal quantity does need to be accomplished. The natural herbs listed here are all-natural that have…

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Female libido is a fluctuating pendulum on which many women hang with uncertainty. Many researchers suggest that the ever fluctuating hormones in a woman’s body finally take a toll during her middle age and lead to varying degrees of sexual problems. It is mostly men who use pills, drugs and medications for increasing sexual libido. However, there are quite a few natural ways by which a woman’s libido too can be made to increase. If you are in your middle age and have a lack of sexual libido, here are some natural ways to try. 9 Home Remedies To Increase Female…

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10 Foods That Boost Your Libido (and 3 That Kill It) If you find you’re more eager to sleep than have sex on an everyday basis, your sex drive may need a booster shot. But that doesn’t mean you have to go out and buy out the nearest Victoria’s Secret. All it takes is adding a few key foods into your diet to boost libido and get back in the mood. Here, 10 foods to rev up your sex life, plus three that will stop it in its tracks. Black Raspberries Both the berries and the seeds will transform your…

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For centuries people have sought the healing benefits of herbs to incite passion and build sexual vitality. Herbs for sexual vitality can be used in the form of tea, tincture or capsules. However, before using herbs, clear up any emotional conflicts that may be affecting sexuality and develop a healthier diet. 1. Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum, C. cassia) has been used in love potions since medieval times. It is warming, improves circulation and is mildly stimulating. 2. Damiana (Turnera aphrodisiaca, T. diffusa) is used in Central America for frigidity, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and testicular atrophy. It helps sexual problems related…

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Maybe you haven’t felt the urge in a while. Perhaps it just hasn’t felt as good as it used to. It could be stress, or it could be something more. When it comes to boosting your sex drive, the topic may seem a bit taboo to discuss. Regardless, a healthy sex life is important for reducing stress, building a healthy relationship with your partner, and improving overall wellbeing. Diet and exercise offer the best solutions for stimulating sexual desire; yet, a number of herbal tools may also provide support. When you need a little boost, turn to these 10 herbs…

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