Author: admin

Firstly, who can argue with staying in bed a little longer? Only having sex at night is like only having sex in your bed or only having sex if the lights are off. Yeah, I’ll say it — boring. But getting it on in the a.m. isn’t just a way to break out of your sex routine, it actually has a ton of physical and emotional benefits. So, stop hitting snooze and spend those 20 extra minutes hitting it instead. 1. Because, seriously people, what better way to start the day? If what you do at the beginning of your…

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Honey is one of the oldest natural sweeteners people have been consuming, which has a lot of great health benefits that you might not be aware of. Honey has actually a lot to offer, from skin rejuvenation, helping in weight loss to fighting a hangover. One of the best things about honey is that it’s a natural cure with incredible taste. Check out the list of the most wonderful benefits of honey. 1. Boosts your energy levels naturally If you want to increase your energy levels naturally, try adding honey to your eating plan and make sure you reduce your…

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There are many ways to fight acne naturally that work so well that you will wonder why you bother using numerous store bought treatments, which are actually not effective. You can get rid of acne at home by using some natural remedies and good habits. Many teenagers usually face acne and fall in panic, having no idea how to get rid of it. If you are invited to a Prom and your face is terribly pimpled, then try out the following remedies. 1. Honey and lemon The most effective and natural remedy is honey and lemon. It is the best…

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Looking for some effective ways to transform your body? There are a few great exercises that will help you to reach your fitness goal. These exercises are easy but effective in strengthening your body along with burning unwanted calories. However, sticking to these exercises is not enough to transform your body, you should also eat healthy and get enough sleep regularly. Don’t waste your precious time doing other workouts, here are seven exercises that will help you transform your body in no time. 1. Jumping rope When was the last time you jumped rope? Perhaps in your childhood. Jumping rope…

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Vaginal health is an important aspect of the overall health of any woman. Vaginal problems can create a lot of stress in a woman’s life. From foul odour of vaginal discharge to bumps after bikini wax, there are many symptoms that indicate that something is wrong with the health of your vagina. These are the signals, which show that you are not paying attention to what your body is trying to tell you. However, if you keep yourself well-informed about these problems, you would then be in a better position to deal with the situation. So, here are some of the few common…

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A lot gets written and published about the health and well-being of women. However, most of these seem to avoid the more intricate questions and provide mere generalisations. Sexual health is big part of any woman’s well-being. On International Women’s Day, we try to delve into the basics of how woman should prevent the onset of common sexual health problems. Some of these tips might seem rigid but these are vital to ensure that serious sexual health-related illnesses/infections are prevented. Make your rules: no rubber, no pleasure There is a big misconception among women that unless their man has a…

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There’s no way to sugarcoat it: We’re consuming too much sugar. And just in March, the World Health Organization drafted new guidelines, reducing the recommended sugar intake to a tiny 5 percent of daily calories — half of what the organization previously recommended. For someone on a 2,000-calorie diet, new guidelines mean a sugar limit of about 100 calories, or six sugar packets. That should be doable, but in the American food jungle, nothing is as it appears. When I researched my book Eat It to Beat It!, I found sugar in thousands of places where it doesn’t belong, from…

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Adding these foods to your diet may help to increase your odds of a successful slumber. Some people have trouble falling asleep. Others can’t stay asleep. And then there are the people who have trouble turning life “off” and tucking into bed at a reasonable hour. Whatever the reason, we’re not alone—more than 50 million Americans don’t get enough shut-eye. Yet the health benefits of a good night’s rest are countless: sleep helps keep you happy, your brain sharp, your immune system strong, your waistline trim, your skin looking youthful—and lowers your risk of high blood pressure and heart disease…

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I’ve been trying to cut down on caffeine. I came to this goal recently as I was sitting cross-legged in yoga and noticed I felt a little jittery. Not good. It was a sign that the second cup of coffee I had had that morning may have been a cup too many. While caffeinated tea and coffee have been linked to some health benefits, such as lowering risk of skin and liver cancers, caffeine has some downsides. Some people are more sensitive than others and in addition to jitters, it can deplete sleep quality, especially in folks over 40, amp…

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Premature ejaculation affects many men and it adds stress to any relationship. Here is a method you can use to delay your ejaculation and improve the strength of your erection. You can do this exercise with a partner or on your own and you can do this during sex to keep yourself from ejaculating. It is first recommended that you do this exercise alone to get familiar with the sensations of your body and to get familiar with how the process works and how it will affect you. If this is your first time trying this exercise you do not…

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