Author: admin
You’re not quite sure how — or when — it happened. You used to have so much fun in bed, but suddenly your sex life just isn’t what it used to be. By 11 p.m. you’re more interested in The Daily Show than in a steamy session with your guy. Even when you do work up the energy, sex feels so…predictable. The excitement, even the passion, are MIA. The thing is, you like sex — a lot. And you love your partner. So what gives? “There are all kinds of emotional barriers to having good sex, from poor body image…
Have the best sex of your life by crossing these 7 experiences off your lust list Every year your resolutions sound the same: Save more money. Lose some weight. Lay off the booze. See your buds more. And while all of those are admirable goals, why not make a resolution that benefits your body and your relationship? In fact, in 2014, why not pledge to have the best sex of your life? We think you should. And we’re here to help. That’s why we’ve scoured the latest research and phoned the leading experts to create a list that’s guaranteed to…
Not happy in the bedroom? You aren’t the only one. According to the Durex Sexual Wellbeing Survey, only 44 percent of people are fully satisfied with their sex lives. Follow these tips to make sex better! Be comfortable naked. None of us are perfect. For the best sex, however, we should like how we look naked. Most women suffer from issues with negative body image. Boost your body confidence by eating right, exercising regularly and learning to love your body. Stand in front of the mirror naked and find something to like, no matter if it’s your shoulders or your…
The key to a better sex life: Communication. Make sure you and your partner are on the same page when it comes to bedroom shenanigans, and you’ll both feel more satisfied. Fear of ruffling your significant other’s feathers can cause you to clam up when it comes to talking honestly about sex. But sweeping hard-to-tackle topics under the rug can make finding out the answers (and changing bedroom behavior!) even harder. These must-have conversations are important to maintaining a healthy and fulfilling sexual relationship—and with our expert-approved strategies for approaching each, you’ll know exactly how to set the stage…
The female libido can be a tricky thing, and many women experience low sexual desire (libido). Some may start out with a low sex drive, and others may experience decreased libido after menopause, childbirth, or surgery. Whatever the cause, rest assured that there are ways to increase the female libido, as long as you identify and treat the underlying cause. Low libido can place a severe strain on a relationship. If one partner has a very low libido (“very” is important: not just a little different, but significantly decreased from the other partner), treating the problem can save the relationship.…
10 Wonderful Foods That Will Give You Great Skin There are many tasty foods that can give you great skin, and including some of them in your eating plan is essential. When you have a healthy skin, you look much younger and fresher, no matter how old you are. The foods you consume every day play a significant role in the health of your skin as well as your overall health. Nowadays it’s hard to choose foods that are tasty and healthy at the same time. Hopefully, this list of 10 foods to eat to have a gorgeous skin will…
It is totally understandable why most women who patronize female enhancement products are those who are nearing menopausal or are already experiencing menopause. After all, menopause signals that a woman’s sex hormones are dropping. However, menopause is not the only reason why a woman does not look forward to having sex with her husband anymore. 1. Feeling Unattractive One reason why a woman loses interest in sex, apart from menopause, of course, is that she no longer feels attractive. With a poor perception of how she looks, she can’t help but feel conscious stripping her clothes. She is afraid that…
Your recipe for masturbation is pretty simple: A bottle of lube, an open Xtube browser, and a five-finger grip deliver results in no time flat. But women’s solo sessions are a bit more complicated. They can’t do it wherever they want, they don’t always care about reaching orgasm, and they definitely aren’t flipping through Fifty Shades as much as you’d imagine. So how do women masturbate? Read on to discover the secrets of what happens behind closed doors. 1. She’s quicker without you. On average, women take longer to orgasm than men do. “For a woman’s nerve endings to…
Having sex first thing in the morning does more than put a smile on your face—it boosts your health, your looks, and your relationship For most of the working world, the blaring of the alarm clock isn’t a happy sound. So why not turn that rude awakening into an erotic opportunity with a roll in the 400-thread-count hay? After all, scientists say that people who start their days by having sex are all-around healthier and happier than those who don’t. “Having sex in the morning releases the feel-good chemical oxytocin, which makes couples feel loving and bonded all day long,”…
Does each morning seem soulless to both of you? Is your daily morning ritual – getting up from your eight hour slumber, then out of the bed sheet and continuing daily routine – getting onto you both? Have you ever thought why nights are cozy and blissful while mornings are hurried and fast? Well, may be it’s because you’ve taken your mornings a little too seriously. It’s time now to bring in the romance, get into the mood, make love to your partner early morning, and spring off to a fulfilling day ahead. Find out 5 reasons why sex in the morning…