Author: Dr. Hashmi

Best Life compiled a list of eight foods that men should be eating every day. I know this list is made with men in mind, but these are foods women may want to consider adding to their diets as well. So while you’re throwing a few blueberries on top of his cereal in the morning, you may want to add a few to yours as well. Spinach: It may be green and leafy, but spinach is also the ultimate man food. This noted biceps builder is a rich source of plant-based omega-3s and folate, which help reduce the risk of heart…

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For men, where sex is concerned, one of the important masculine features is to have a hard and erect penis. It is very important for them to maintain good levels of strength in the penis if they want to have a gratifying experience with their mate. However, this is a critical situation for a lot of men who feel that they have certain amount of weakness in their penis. To ensure that you have a strong penis, you can easily follow some natural ways to achieve it. The guide below has some safe and effective remedies and natural treatment that can…

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Is your bow-chicka-bow letting you down, down, down? You could blame a lot of things like the kids, your headache, or a perceived boredom between you and your partner. But have you considered looking at your plate? Being overweight can certainly affect your libido. We could dig in to the science, but it’s pretty self evident, isn’t it? Eat a bag of McDonald’s and you’d probably rather lay around and think about doing it rather than actually getting up and doing it. Have a much lighter, fresher, good-for-you meal and you are more likely to want to follow through. What…

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As a sexuality educator, I spend most of my time helping parents understand how to talk with their children and teenagers about sex, sexuality, gender, and all of the myriad issues that go along with those things.  One question that parents often ask me is how to make sure their teenagers are ready to have sex.  Putting aside issues of whether parents should have substantial input and control over their teenager’s sexual activities, I found that parents were relying on goals that were far too vague.  Parents want to make sure that their teenagers are mature enough, have good communication…

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Why should boys have all the fun? It’s time women take charge in the bed as well. Here are some really exciting sex positions, which guarantee multiple orgasms and promise to spice up your sex life. The Hero To be in this position, the woman must lie on her back pulling her knees up to her chest, feet extending up towards the ceiling. The man should kneel down thighs under her behind. The Cross The woman lies on her back, one leg extended, the other bent up in the Cross sex position. The man sits down with one thigh over…

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These articles are always fun to write about. Why? Because they just are. I thank all the women who contributed and were willing to offer this information to me.  Surprisingly, women and men have a similar interest. It’s not what you would think, but when it comes down to the bare bones of attraction, we think alike!I was surprised to find out that some women can actually be as crude as men when expressing their preferences. I was caught off guard and sometimes speechless during some of the live interviews. They were often being very graphic, and needless to say…

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Okay girls grab onto your thongs you may be surprised what I’ve found out! Every woman is dying to know what female body parts turn a man on. I interviewed several men and did some extensive research on this topic. I had to censor some parts out because some guys can be very graphic, if you know what I mean! I know what you’re thinking, (and before you rush off to the gym) it’s not that! Guys don’t really care about the shape of a woman’s body. They are more interested in your mind, and if you believe what I just said then your…

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It’s normal to have a few dips and peaks in desire, but if you’re turning down your guy on the regular, you may want to check out what’s screwing with your sex drive. “There are a number of things that can dramatically impact libido—even in women in their twenties and thirties,” says Lauren Streicher, MD, assistant clinical professor of OB/GYN at Northwestern University’s medical school. Fortunately, researchers are working on finding a quick fix for a lacking libido. In fact, two new drugs for treating sexual dysfunction are currently in clinical trials. But while a female version of Viagra may…

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As the founder of the Happy Wives Club, a community of more than 600,000 women in over 110 countries around the world, I have the benefit of engaging with hundreds of wives daily about the principals of a happy marriage. In 2012, I traveled to 12 countries on six continents to interview couples happily married 25 years of more for my book Happy Wives Club. What I discovered was the difference between happy couples and miserable ones was often found in their thought process. What they focused on daily became their life. Those whose focus was on all things their…

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You might think the inside of a man’s brain sounds like the buzz of a broken fluorescent lightbulb. Not true. In my humble view, the brain cells of men work like pistons, constantly firing—just like yours. Some of the internal dialogue they produce is quite sophisticated (“Why, I detect rosehip and cardamom in this rare Flemmish beer!”), while other times, they send us in pursuit of life’s simpler pleasures (“boobs, boobs, boobs…”). Sex is one of the simpler moments. In the presence of a naked woman, a man’s mind becomes pretty predictable. Here are 10 thoughts that have probably crossed…

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