Author: Dr. Hashmi

It’s a known fact that doing kegel exercises help in strengthening the pelvic floor muscles and it is done by both men and women. If you regularly do kegel exercises, it can actually result in stronger and far more intense orgasms. While for women, it can help in tightening the vaginal muscles, it can also help in preventing urinary incontinence. On the other hand, for men, it helps them last longer in bed as it helps them control the timing of their ejaculation. There’s no doubt that it is important to know how to do kegel exercises, but instead of…

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All the usual healthy habits are good for your sex drive—even if your low libido is caused by a condition such as diabetes or hypertension. Remember, sexual health and general good health are profoundly interconnected. 1. Get plenty of exercise If you want to be “hot-blooded,” then improve your circulation. Physical fitness can increase blood flow, which in theory can make sex more pleasurable since sexual arousal for both men and women involves increased blood flow to the genital area. And that can increase desire itself—if it feels great, you tend to want to do it more. Exercise boosts endorphins,…

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When a woman’s not interested in sex—and would like to be—it may have something to do with her relationship, her upbringing, or something else in her experience, but there could also be a medical explanation. For instance: 1. Reduced blood flow Diabetes and high blood pressure are among the health problems that can restrict genital blood flow. 2. Hormonal issues Menopause, breast-feeding, birth control pills, and thyroid problems can dampen sexual desire. 3. Medication side effects Antidepressants and chemotherapy agents such as tamoxifen are frequently to blame. Approaching Menopause, She Stopped Wanting Sex 4. Nerve damage Pelvic surgery can cause…

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One of the most painful and disturbing factors about menstruation is the menstrual cramps or the lower abdominal pain and the back pain. Are you wondering what causes menstrual cramps? Menstrual cramps are caused due to the hormones released during this duration of time. This hormone like substance is called prostaglandin. The severe menstrual cramps are a throbbing pain felt in the lower abdomen and the lower back area of the body. If you are suffering from cramps every month then here are some awesome drinks for you which will help you to get rid of menstrual cramps. 1. Ginger,…

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Libido-boosting foods It can take more than just a few candles and a Marvin Gaye song to feel sexy. A healthy lifestyle—from the food you eat to the exercise you do—can make you look and feel better, and improve your sex life, too. At the same time, some foods can be mood- and libido-killers. Studies show that certain foods or nutrients do play a role in boosting libido and supporting a healthy sex life.” Here are a variety of foods that can put some sizzle—or fizzle—in your sex life. Strawberries Best We’ll say it: Strawberries are sexy. Here’s why. Good…

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Let us keep it simple. Though desire starts in the mind, all bedroom activity is predominantly a physical activity and therefore it needs good physical fitness and mind body co-ordination. Therefore, there is nothing wrong in trying an exercise for libido like the kegel exercise. Well, the kegels are very simple to do and they don’t need any equipment. They just involve the muscles in the region of your pelvic floor. How to perform this exercise? Well, very simple. Just tighten your pelvic muscles for a span of five seconds and then release. Do at least 10 repetitions depending upon…

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Poor sex drive are caused by physical or psychological reasons. Ayurveda offers natural remedies for poor libido. Most herbs reduce organic and psychological causes. Taking these herbs can effectively treat lack of sex drive. Loss of libido or poor sex drive can be a devastating situation for both men and women. When either of the partners in a relationship starts experiencing lack of sex drive or has always had a poor libido, it may soon start affecting the relationship. There are cases when such problems had even ruined long and strong relationships. While no one would want to have poor…

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Onions are known as an aphrodisiac. They are widely used in many (almost every) Indian dishes to enhance taste and flavour. However, the hidden benefit of eating this root vegetable is that it improves your sexual life exponentially. Not just men but even women can benefit from eating onions and being at par with her partner when it comes to a sexual encounter. Here are seven health benefits of onions you should know about. Here is how onions help to boost your sex life: It improves sperm count: The antioxidants present in onions help to improve a man’s sperm count naturally. In…

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Ajwain or carom seeds are usually present in every Indian kitchen. However, this herb is known more for its therapeutic properties to aid digestion, reduce bloating and gas and provide relief from a cough and cold. However, ajwain is also an aphrodisiac, and many people don’t know that yet. Here you need to know more about health benefits of ajwain. Here is how ajwain boosts sexual health: When consumed in moderation ajwain helps to calm down and help you get in the mood tonight for some wild action. The thymol present in ajwain helps to improve sperm count, improving one’s…

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Sex is an important aspect in everyone’s life. And if you are in a relationship, it is one of the most significant things that can bind you and your partner. While many men do not have any problem having sex, there are a few who suffer from some form of sexual dysfunction. Here are 9 home remedies that can help turn those sexual problems around: Garlic: Known to have a number of health benefits, garlic is a great aphrodisiac that has no side-effects. This root, works as a tonic for people suffering from a lack of libido, or those who…

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