It really does not matter what your age is or how small your penis is or how to make penis bigger naturally, you can increase the size of your manhood.
This is all possible by using stretching exercises, which you can perform with your own two hands.
Hundreds of thousands of people have succeed by using these exercises and so can you.
There are a lot of TV commercials endorsing surgeries and pills.
However, what these endorsements do not tell you the possible and irreversible side effects that these methods can give.
These exercises must be performed consistently in order to see differences.
The basis of exercises on how to make penis bigger naturally is blood flow into the penis.
Forcing a lot of blood towards the erectile tissues can make your penis bigger even while it is flaccid.
Some 20 minutes of your time, 4 to 5 times a week is all it takes to make your equipment bigger.
The exercise is known as Kegel’s exercises.
It does not just help you with having a rock-hard erection; it also prevents prostate cancer and will allow you to be more flexible with your ejaculation.
Kegel’s exercises are simple to do and can be performed anywhere even while other people are around you! These exercises will strengthen your PC muscle which is found between your anus and scrotum.
This is your PC muscle.
Start off slowly; making 30 contractions every day until you reach 200 squeezes a day.
If you are moving your stomach or your buttocks, you aren’t working the right muscle.
Hold the muscle for 3 seconds before releasing it.
This is another one of the ways on how to make penis bigger naturally.
This is done while sitting down on the edge of a chair although this could also be done while standing up.
Pull directly away from you with sufficient force to feel your penis stretch but not to the point of pain.
Repeat the process 10 times, increasing the pressure of the stretch each time.
These are the basic natural methods on how to make penis bigger naturally.